Sermons by Tim Hazell
Contentment and Satisfaction by Tim Hazell 24-11-19
The resurrection is not just a coming alive again- it’s where we get back everything we have lost. The struggle and hardship all shrink in the light of his glory and grace. You are going to get what you want- so pick something big. Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 16:1
Hope by Tim Hazell 20-05-18
God is doing more for us than we would ever realise. Our understanding of hope should come from our own understanding of God and personalised to ourselves. Being driven by a hope so powerful that it comes from God allows us to achieve things we would not have thought possible. 1 Peter 1:13, Colossians 1:16-17, Colossians 3:23, 1 Corinthians 2:9
Transformation by Tim Hazell 17-12-17
God will move many things in our life that trouble us, but He will also bring things to destabilize us from the latter (hierarchy) we are on. God wants to undermine your false self as our value needs to be outside of ourselves. Interacting with God daily ensures we do not climb a ladder we shouldn’t be climbing on.