Sermons on Malachi
Messengers by Ps Dave Welch 31-01-20
Malachi 3:1, Matthew 3:3, Revelations 3:14-18
Born Of The Spirit by Ps Dave Welch 28-06-20
If you are born again, you have the spirit of God within you. You have been designed to hear and walk in the spirit. You have been born again by the spirit of God. Malachi 3:1, Matt 3:3, John 5:35, John 3:6, Matt 11:11, 1 Cor 2:9-10, Rev 14:20, Luke 1:12-17
Rise Up by Ps Dave Welch 09-02-20
When we stand for righteousness even in the midst of our fire, the world will take note. Don’t run away from the fire, run into it. Exodus 12:38, Numbers 11:4, Numbers 11:1-5, Isaiah 1:24-25, Malachi 3:3, Zechariah 13:9, Daniel 3:14-28, Isaiah 43:1-2