Sermons on Ezekiel
On Guard by Ps Dave Welch 18-10-20
If left unguarded my heart becomes unhealthy, and this can impact and threaten everything in my life. My marriage, family, friends, ministry, work, my legacy. It is essential that we guard it. Proverbs 4:23, Ezekiel 36:26, 36:31, Proverbs 29:18, 23:7, Luke 24:13-35
Essential Not Essential Pt 2 by Ps Dave Welch 20-09-20
You and I have to take the step. I am only limited by my next step instead of wanting to camp on the other side around things I have already overcome. Not everybody wants what you want. Some want to stay on the other side- happy and content with their experience more than their promise. The dilemma…
Essential Not Essential by Ps Dave Welch 13-09-20
HUMBL- Humbly United Minister Before Lord God is releasing a prophetic voice in the mouths of men and women who will speak a word in season. A people like Joshua who stepped further than his now, who took the step of obedience and kept on walking till he possessed. His only limitation was how many…
To Love Is To Be Vulnerable by Ps Dave Welch 07-04-19
Love is a commitment- not a feeling. This God who we love and serve first loved us. He showed and demonstrated this love to bring us into a relationship with Himself. God made the first move in this relationship and made Himself vulnerable. Do you love Him? Do I love who He loves? Love them because…
Bearing His Image by Ps Dave Welch 10-03-19
Obedience opens heaven. Favour is not something you demand from God- it is something God gives you. I can only be a life giver if I’m living the life. Am I beholding a transformation in my life from a glory which is passing into to an incorruptible glory that will never fade away? 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, Genesis 1:26-28, Romans 8:29, Luke 2:40-52, Acts 10:38, 1…