Sermons on Colossians

Sermons on Colossians

Hear The Cry by Ps Dave Welch 07-02-21

A son is one who has an ear to hear the groan of creation. To understand you are born for such a time as this- even when my soul is vexed or troubled, a son elevates the fathers ways and purpose greater than his own thoughts and needs. He has chosen you here this morning if you are born again to reveal through you the power of a transformed life so that you can bring…

Hope by Tim Hazell 20-05-18

God is doing more for us than we would ever realise. Our understanding of hope should come from our own understanding of God and personalised to ourselves. Being driven by a hope so powerful that it comes from God allows us to achieve things we would not have thought possible. 1 Peter 1:13, Colossians 1:16-17, Colossians 3:23, 1 Corinthians 2:9

Easter Sunday by Ps Dave Welch 01-04-18

The greatest gift humanity has ever received is the restoration and resurrection of healing with God. We have ressurection and power flowing through us. I don’t have to wait for a day or an event to experience resurrection power in my life. The message of ressurection power is that no matter how bitter it tastes, how hopeless or how dead it seems, God has a word for…