Sermons on Acts
The Damascus Road Experience by Ps Dave Welch 29-11-20
How often we jump on that road thinking we are doing God’s business but really it is my own mission and I have to walk out my Damascus road afresh. Acts 9:1-20, Philippians 3:7-14 PDF Notes
My Walk by Tamsin Welch 12-07-20
You cannot rely on others to get into God’s presence. When we hold onto things we shouldn’t be holding on to, it changes our walk. Luke 10:38-41, Acts 1:20, Deuteronomy 30:16
Night Seasons by Ps Dave Welch 14-06-20
God didn’t expand on the reason why Paul was in the situation – all Good told him was the revelation of what He was going to do. We must walk, wait and take courage in the power of what He has spoken. In the midst of what I thought I should be, God uses it sometimes as a stepping stone to get me to where he intended me to be. Acts 20:20-23, Acts 23:10-11, Acts…
God Is Doing A New Thing by Ps Dave Welch 7-6-20
In the midst of the mess, God is preparing a people with a message. God is going to stir the wandering sons and daughters and cause a turn around. He will meet them where they’re at. God has a word for those who once heard, those who once walked with him – the people who for whatever…
He Who Has An Ear To Hear by Ps Dave Welch 06-10-19
Without an ear to hear, we will never grow our faith. David was a worshipper, and it is out of a place of worship one develops a hearing relationship which activates another level of faith. 2 Samuel 5:17-25, 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22
Bearing His Image by Ps Dave Welch 10-03-19
Obedience opens heaven. Favour is not something you demand from God- it is something God gives you. I can only be a life giver if I’m living the life. Am I beholding a transformation in my life from a glory which is passing into to an incorruptible glory that will never fade away? 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, Genesis 1:26-28, Romans 8:29, Luke 2:40-52, Acts 10:38, 1…
Enlightened by Ps Dave Welch 06-01-19
1 Co 2:1-5, Jeremiah 5:21, 1 Co 2:9-12, Psalms 119:103-116, Ephesians 1:15-19, Acts 9:1-7, 2 Kings 6:12-17, Psalms 27:3
If by Ps Dave Welch 16-12-18
I need to strengthen my resolve and put on the mind of christ and understand that I can do all things ‘through’ Christ who strengthens me and get rid of the ‘Ifs’ of life. There are certain kind of fights in ones life that cause me to confront the status quo that I’m in- it is the ‘Ifs’ on my life that lead me into a mindset of…
Add To It by Ps Dave Welch 25-11-18
Kingdom builders understand the plan and purpose of the Kingdom to minister to both the physical and eternal need. Faith alone is not enough; it needs to be added to with the power of demonstration that there has been a people who have been with Jesus. The same commision has been left, the same spirit dwells within us, the same anointing has been given and the same mantle…
Kingdom Building by Ps Dave Welch 07-10-18
The message of the kingdom is the wonderful world of God. There is coming a new sound within the sons of God- a sound of unity, oneness and an urgency to build. It will be a sound that promotes no-one or anything else other that the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gen 11:1-9, Acts 2:1-13
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