We are a group of Westpoint City Church men who meet for breakfast or some other function bi monthly.
It is our desire to learn to be better husbands and fathers in our respective families and to see our families grow to the full potential they have in Christ.
We are committed to building a community of men, strong in Christian values, in order to bless our families, our Church and the community at large. We need the support of fellow Christian brothers to achieve our goal.
Even Christians can easily be influenced by outside influences. God calls us to be transformed rather than be conformed to the world.
We know this is not an easy task, and certainly not possible with human effort. But with Christ, and the encouragement of other men, we can become the husbands and fathers God intended us to be.
For more information, use the online form by clicking on Contact Us or call Westpoint City Church on (08) 9248 4976.